So I saw these Cork ornaments on Pinterest, and I thought they were gorgeous. One thing nice about them, is you get to enjoy drinking a bottle of wine to get the Cork. So I decided to try it and here is a picture of what I came up with.
I think my favorite is the one with the birds nest at the top, although the bee is pretty neat.
Okay you're wondering what you do with these besides just hanging them around. well you put them around the neck of a wine bottle, would that not make a terrific gift, a bottle wine, and a wine cork ornament, in a wine box. Now my mind is going. And I'm going to have to figure out how to do a wine box. So I hope you like the picture. Please ignore that little section hanging down from the bee on the right hand side . I hadn't taken the heat gun to it to get rid of all the glue webs ,but it's gone now.
Jim the Gentleman Crafter has an awesome wine box tutorial on his site.